As you probably well recall, I wrote to you on September 17, 2017 concerning the diocesan pastoral plan, Ministry 2025, and how it would impact the Diocese of Sioux City. It envisions approximately 33 parishes or partnered parishes across the twenty-four (24) counties in Northwest Iowa that make up the Diocese of Sioux City.
I then wrote more about how this was impacting Holy Trinity Parish of Webster County by utilizing only two priests for the parish. One of those impacts was, thanks to the cooperation of the Grandview Care Center, our ability to have Holy Mass twice monthly in Dayton on the first and third Tuesdays – with as many as 10 to 15 assisting from the area. I then addressed our concern for the Christ the King building site and the vacant land adjacent to the cemetery. To that end I invited you to a public meeting at the church site on September 28, 2017 to discuss various possibilities.
I want you to know that we have now completed the process of putting the land and church building into the hands of new owners. The vacant land west of the church building was transferred to the Dayton Cemetery Association in exchange for their commitment to care for Catholic Cemetery property which remains under the ownership of the not for profit corporation known as The Holy Trinity Parish Cemetery Improvement Society. The church building and its property was sold to a private family, the Danielson’s, who indicated their intention is to convert the church into a home. The proper legal transfers have all been finalized.
Please know that according to diocesan norms, all the sacred items were removed from the church building and will be utilized elsewhere in Holy Trinity Parish or in another Catholic church demonstrating a need.