The parish priests and pastoral staff have been staying abreast of the updates on the Coronavirus COVID–19 here in Iowa and elsewhere. With an abundance of caution and in an effort to protect you, our parishioners, the following precautionary measures are being instituted as soon as possible.
Precautions being taken regarding Masses:
We are encouraging the faithful, who feel ill, to stay home from Mass.
All priests, deacons, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are reminded of the need to practice good hygiene. All Ministers of Holy Communion should always wash their hands before Mass begins. In addition, as has been the norm, we request they use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after distributing Holy Communion.
The faithful should avoid hand-to-hand contact during the “Our Father,” during the Sign of Peace and in greeting one another before or after Mass.
Holy water will be removed from all fonts. You will still be able to obtain holy water from the Holy Water Receptacle near the confessional at Corpus Christi for home use.
We are suggesting strongly that Communion be received only in the hand at this time, not on the tongue. Also, please make use of the hand-sanitizer available in the pews at Corpus Christi and in the atrium of the St. Edmond auditorium.
We will not be distributing the Precious Blood at this time.
Also, as has been our custom already, all Communion vessels are thoroughly washed with soapy water, and thoroughly dried, after each use, including between Masses.
Additional precautions being taken:
Distribution of Communion at the Trinity Regional hospital and long-term care facilities by EMHCs is suspended at this time.
Distribution of Communion to the homebound (not in long term care facilities) will continue with the following guidelines:
If an EMHC is ill we ask that they do not distribute Communion nor visit their assigned homebound.
If an individual on the homebound list, who is routinely being visited, is uncomfortable with having an EMHC come at this time, we ask that the homebound individual (or their family member) please contact the office – Rhonda – 515-955-6077.