MK 7:1-13
In today’s Gospel the Pharisees and scribes are accusing the disciples of not following Jewish traditions such as washing hands and purifying themselves as prescribed by Jewish traditions. Jesus basically points out to them that they don’t get it. They are so caught up in trying to follow the traditions of man that they don’t see what God is calling them to do. For Jesus taught that it was not what a person put into them that defiled them, but it was in fact what came out of them that defiled them.
MK 7:15 There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.
Jesus tells the Pharisees that Isaiah prophesized about them well in that they provide them with lip service and their hearts are far from God. They are teaching as doctrine human precepts.
Jesus is calling out the Pharisees for this … because they were blind to the truth. Jesus is also calling to us today to examine our own lives to see where we are blind to God’s will for the sake of manmade teachings. Maybe it isn’t manmade teachings that we are blinded by but instead it is our own will that is bolstered by a change in how society sees issues.
It is easy to be lead into a false sense of security by false teachings based on societal views on topics such as marriage, human sexuality and respect for human life. These things are viewed by society much differently today than they were in Jesus’ time. Rest assured that if you subscribe to these societal viewpoints which are in direct contradiction to God’s Truth as taught by Jesus … you are providing lip service to God and not doing what he is asking of you. The Truth is forever and unchanging. Jesus tells us that if we want to follow him that we are to pick up our cross daily and follow him. The crosses that he is speaking of are those which often times deal with these topics. For example, for some their cross is based on human sexuality, while another might be based on addiction. Whatever the cross may be, Christ tells us that
if we are to be
HIS disciples we are to pick up our cross daily and bear it with him by our side. We are not supposed to just give into our desires because society tells us it is okay … instead we are to carry the cross and walk the road with Jesus.
TRUST in him that day by day he is there walking the road with you to protect you and keep you from stumbling.
I ask you to consider what are your blind spots … that cause you not to fully embrace Jesus and sincerely worship your God fully? Are you a
Pharisee or a
Disciple? Will you put your full trust in Jesus and say no to false teaching, pick up your cross and truly follow the Lord or will you be a Pharisee and continue to only provide lip service? It is your choice.